Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bah HahBah

The closest we could get to Bar Harbor was Trenton, about 19 miles west. Nice park, again full of seasonal folks who take up most of the park. We overnighters get squeezed in a small area or sometimes in between old timers.  Since we don't make reservations more than a few days ahead of time, we're also competing with the travelers who do.   But for the most part it's nice just to have a place to park the rig. We don't stay in the park much anyway.

Drove into the town of 'Bah Hahbah' to plan the next day without pooches and then into Acadia National Park for the scenery. Took the Park Loop which is 27 miles of one-way road with lots of turnouts for pictures. The parking lots were all full and people parked along the road in some places and walked or hiked the trails.

One road led to the top of Cadillac Mountain, the highest mountain in the park at just over 1500 ft. From there we had a 360 degree view of the islands surrounding Acadia. It was a beautiful day for it. There are 3000 islands off the coast of Maine. 

We could see Bar Harbor below.

Zooming in you could see the boats anchored in the harbor.

Wednesday's weather wasn't as nice , but we drove up the coast and across from Bar Harbor to the Schoodic Scenic Byway where there is more of Acadia National Park and less people. It was overcast and pretty rainy so the views weren't the best, but it was still beautiful.

But first we had to have some lobstah.

Perfect way to end a morning shopping in Bar Harbor was 'A Taste of Maine' lunch at this restaurant. Includes clam chowder, whole lobster, bread and blueberry pie al a mode. Delish!

You can see buoys in the water marking where lobster traps are. Each fisherman has his own pattern of colors on the buoys to mark his own traps.

Next stop, Portland, and more genealogy research.

1 comment:

  1. Would love to try this restaurant, A whole lobster & blueberry pie al a mode!!!!!
    only problem I couldn't take Karl !!!!!
